The chapter stars out with the flashback of Megumi’s thoughts from the last chapter: “I always tried to be liked, to be the best. But have I ever tried to like someone else before?”
In school; Mei, Asami, Nakanishi (Asami’s bf), and Aiko are looking at an ad for the school’s annual grand prize contest. In this contest, every year, the best looking guy and a girl are chosen among the students to be praised and known for their good looks. Nakanishi thinks that Yamato will definitely win this year since the senior who won first place last year graduated. Asami argues that there are other guys like Kai and Kakeru who has a high chance of winning also. As Mei stares at the paper, her face becomes increasingly darker, and Yamato joins the group. The reason to why Mei is acting this way is because the contest has a specific prize for the winning guy and girl. This prize makes it mandatory for the chosen girl and guy to go on a date. This means that if Yamato wins the contest, he will have to go on a date with some girl. Mei obviously doesn’t want Yamato to go on that date and is pretty certain that he will win. Another thing about the contest is that even if you don’t want to participate, other students can vote their way into making you enter the competition. Mei gets depressed as she think about the date. But the answer to this problem was simple to Asami and Aiko. All Mei had to do was to enter the contest as well and win! So nobody else will take Yamato away from her. Mei automatically declines the offer saying that she doesn’t want to embarrass herself, that she’s not pretty.
The gang is now entering their votes as well and sees Kakeru and his girlfriend, Chiharu also there. They were both entering a vote for Kakeru and Mei questioned Chiharu’s decision. Chiharu didn’t know that the winner will go on a date with the other winner. Her face became pale as Mei mentioned this, but Kakeru assured her that he wouldn’t win, he just wanted to see how many people would vote for him.
Mei isn’t the only one dating a popular guy and worrying about if their boyfriend will have to go on a date with some other girl.
Meanwhile, Kai is in a classroom having a hard time deciding who to vote for. He writes down Mei’s name, stares at it, and then erases it. In the end, he enters the paper with the vote without anybody’s name on it. He then overhears two girls having a conversation about who they cast their vote on. One of the girl said that for the guy, she picked Yamato, and for the girl, Mei. Kai’s attention was drawn as he hears this and pays a closer attention to the conversation. Unfortunately, this girl who cast a vote on Mei is a complete b****. This girl explained that she cast a vote on Mei because she thought that it would be funny to see Mei among the chosen pretty girls during the final round because Mei would be the only ugly one there. She also thought that it would make Mei realize what an embarrassment it is for her to be dating Yamato. As these girls laughs at this and goes away, Kai commented that women are scary.
Mei and Yamato are at the park now and are hanging out. Yamato stares at Mei adoringly as she drinks her soda. Turns out that Mei agreed to enter the contest because she really doesn’t want him to go on a date with another girl. Yamato is really happy and thinks that Mei is doing this out of love for him. Yamato is enjoying this extra attention his getting from Mei since she’s so worrying about him.
Back in school, Megumi is being surrounded by younger students who are her fans. They are the committee member helping out with the contest and they introduce to Megumi about the contest. They ask Megumi if she would enter the contest and Megumi kindly accepts the offer. Megumi thinks about the catch of the contest; if she wins, she would get to go on a date with Yamato.
Now back to Mei and Yamato. They decided to take the contest seriously, and aim for both of them to win. As if it was a response, they found out the next day that Mei was voted to be in the contest. By the way, Aiko was also voted to be in the contest as well. Megumi had the highest number of votes out of the five chosen girls and says to Aiko and Mei, “let’s do our best.” Megumi doesn’t plan to use any dirty tricks or cheat to win this time; she will aim to win fair and square.
I think during the weekend or so, Mei, Yamato, and his brother, Daichi is out shopping for Mei’s clothes to wear for the contest. As they walk around, Yamato and Daichi are attracting attention and Mei feels out of place. As Mei tries on different outfits, she keeps complaining that her thighs are too fat; her skin isn’t nice enough to wear such a short skirt, etc. After buying few, Daichi asked her what she thinks about her new clothes. Mei replies that she likes them, but doesn’t think that it would look good on her. Daichi then tells her that fashion is finders keepers. Whoever finds it first and wears it first has the right to wear it. It becomes their style and it doesn’t matter if they look good in it or not. Mei understands his point and officially asks Daichi for his help for the contest. The three then goes to eat lunch saying that you can’t go enter a battle with an empty stomach.
~the end for now~