My main concern is Petit and I didn't get any offer regarding it. I'll proceed to explain the second part of my master plan to keep it going on after been hitting my head against the wall for hours.
I can buy the magazines monthly, but it's almost impossible for me to pay the shipping costs (I live ridiculous far away from... everything) and I'm reticent to ask for donations, so first I'm going to try implementing publicity (not an annoying one, I hope) for a month or two to see if that helps us with the shipping costs (partialy or fully) and I'd need the cooperation of everyone with that. It would be awesome if that works since I can scan the series and get the raws for sure to make the summaries (which is my main concern about depending on someonelse's good will because it's not always 100% safe); but if not, hope someone can give us a hand with that, sharing the raws or helping us to afford them. I'm telling you now so you can start thinking about it, please :).
And regarding futures updates, sorry, no today but wait for them to come soon and guess at that time I'll let you know another good news too :)
Take care.