+BUT, I bring some good news. We are retaking (after 100 years) chocolate girl to finish it and we are also going to start summarizing a new series soon: Junjou Drops, from the Lovely Complex's Author. Hope you enjoy it :D! And of course this wouldn't have been possible without dnjs, our new translator that has been working a lot during the past week, so a BIG hello and thanks for her and all our love <3! You don't know how hard is to find a new translator that actually wants to work with that good dedication, so I'm really happy :). And to be honest, all the staff here is full of awesome people, so it's totaly cool to work with them *massive hug*. Lucky girl. Me, I mean.
+BUT, bad news, now that I mention the word translator. I don't have so much time to explain, but if we can't find a new translator, we'll have to put LDK on-hold (again) after chapter 32. So if happens you know japanese and like LDK and want to help us, please contact us filling the contact form! Nevermind, dnjs will help us with the translation :D. Yay!
+Wanna help us with all the Petit subcription? You just have to deal with that little bee (and think in cute things) for 5 seconds and that's all! Though if that doesn't work, we already have a plan C and D! So I think we'll probably we able to keep it, but first we need all your cuteness and good disposition :). I guess I'll know what are we going to do by March end, so be patient and be happy and stuff!
+No news about BGI 70 scanlation and TtO.
+ EDIT: NEW UPDATE of HM Novel at Whisperpuppies's Blog [HERE]
+EDIT: Still wanna try making a new banner for bxsmanga? Just contact us! 960 x 259 px! to [email protected] <3
+Please, if you have [or know where to get] the SINY vol 8 raws, let us know! I'll wait until the end of March too, if I don't get any news, I'll probably buy it.
AANNDD, SINY (thanks to our lovely Jashua!) AND CHOCOLATE GIRL UPDATES! YAY!
Coming (relatively) soon: 360ºM and TnA!
Have a good week people.