And also I'm having problems with translators, as I said at the chatbox, for: Taiyou no Ie (which is currently ahead with the scans), Akuma de Koi Shiyou and Forget me Not. Also EvaJap got busy and for the time being, she won't be able to make more summaries for Runway no Koibito. My probelm is, I don't have time to look for a translator, it is exhausting and I need to spend energy in other things, so, let's just do it, if you are translator who wants to help us by making summaries only, for the projects mentioned before, and thinks can make 2 chapter summaries (except for Forget me not, that only has 1 chapter for now) relatively soon, CONTACT US. And that's all :)
As for LDK I want to say thanks with alll my heart to Sasami, the typesetter who's been helping us from the beginnings of BxSmanga, she won't be able to keep being the typesetter for LDK due several reasons, but she did her best and I really appreciate her and her hardwork. And so, we need a typesetter for LDK now. Wanna help us? Just contact us.
I wanted to start more projects but it's not a good idea with my current status of being busy-the-whole-time and the lack of translators. I'll see what can I do when I can finally breath like a normal human being :') ~ december! I'm crawling for youuuu!
Thanks to all the staff involved in this update. My heart is yours <3.