You know, tragedies are just around the corner.
But I'm not in a pessimistic mode today. Actually, I bring you some goodies, so you, yes, you, can stop spaming me regarding certain releases.
So, first.
Thank you very much to all the staff who worked for this update, starting with: Sarah, Evajap, dnjs, Bikkuri and Whisperpuppies. I really appreaciate all your hardwork and enthusiasm in every translation/summary you make, and I'm sorry I hadn't been able to correspond everyone of you with a faster update. The same goes for Sasami, who's typesetting L-DK and worked very proactively for these chapters (suddenly she had done chapters 32 and 33 and re-do chapter 30), same goes to Cozen, our proofreader who's really into her work, thank you very much for all your help <3~. Also, thanks to Mela, from colorfulscans. As you know, from know we're taking charge of the L-DK scanlation, because CFS had to stop it. So technically, our joint with them is up to chapter 32, but I put them anyway in the credit page of chapter 33 because Mela will be still helping us with the cleaning (aw)... and also, well, is a pain editing a credits page. And make one too. Believe me. I was like 2 hours making it today and you know I barely can use PS, so yes, it was pretty much hell for me so that was one of the reasons I couldn't make the update earlier (didn't save all the bxsmanga stuff, formated my lapton, and tadá, a lot of files missed, LDK PSD's among them ._.). But that thing is in the past now. It doesn't matter anymore. YES! I even kinda like such a vintage? weird? Credit page. So much glimpse. So much Minchi frustated designer. SIGH.
And well, of course I must say thanks to my lovely raw providers: Osora and Shmook, I mean, we would be nothing without you. Awww. Let's hug. C'mon. I'm so hugeable? like a puffy ball :3
Oh wait, but I'm not a ball. I mean, I eat a lot but I'm not a ball. I swear.
So, here are the updates today. Thanks for your patient (TO THE MOST OF YOU, you know, exceptions everywhere. Clue: chatbox .-.).
Also, didn't mention, but Shmook we'll keep her subcriptions. So everything's fine now. However, I'm seriouly thinking about getting another magazine subscriptions (Margaret -bokura wa itsumo- and Cookie -SixHalf-, I hope) and also, going to buy a bunch of manga volumes so we can keep doing SINY, RnK and start with SixHalf. That's why I'm gonna keep the ads over the site, to supply somehow a bit of the costs in some future [also I want to make some changes with the bxsmanga domain, and get more goodies for the site if it's possible]. As I mentioned time ago, it's slooow and I have no guarantees that we'll get something oneday xD, but well, I think I should try at least. Also, someone of you mentioned about adding a donation button, I'm not quite sure to add it now, but maybe I'll do when I decide what I'm really going to do (my mind has been so far away from those things that I need to sit down and think about them properly for a while), meanwhile, if you are interested, email us asking how you can help us to make things work here :). So be patient and look foward to some possible changes, someday. You know time is such a pity concept, you can say a year is a lot but suddenly you are at the middle of the new year and nothing seems to have really moved there. Except that, of course, everything has changed in someway and there always will be impatient people unavailable to bear 3 hours for something that won't really change their lifes for more than 5 or 10 minutes. Guess you just don't notice how fast time goes until it's too late to repair it.
And I don't know how I went there, I was talking about chages. Yes. More changes. Life is so full of them and we'll always need more time for everything, that's the moral flabe for today.
Regarding future updates, I honestly don't know. But as I told you we'll keep doing Orange (we'll probably make a double release, and yes, we'll take our time making it). Also TnA will be delayed by April end, since Lynn (the proofreader) will be moving for a while (guess where) and she'll be doing the Taiyou no Ie Summaries too :), so I hope we can start from next month for sure. And well, I'll inform you whatever you need to know.
Also PLEASE if you're not going to reply my messages when you apply for some position like a translator, proofreader, qcer, etc, don't even bother to email us in first place. It's annoying and I really can't waste my time replying people who wasn't serious at all and that can't even reply a proper "no" when I ask if they can do it or not. I have to find free time to sit here and reply emails, they're not a few ones and that's why I feel supremely trolled and annoyed when these situations happen. Also, if you still don't know, we don't pay to anyone in this staff, neither I get money for running the site. I still don't understand how a lot of people contacted me asking how much we pay. Seriously, it's hilarous sometimes.
NOTE: I need a QC-er for Orange and L-DK. I'd prefer you have experience doing it, because taking a test will take us million of years. But if you don't it's okay too, you just have to know in which consists the position BEFORE applying and let us know. We just ask for responsable people, available to reply one email here and there. If you think you have those minimal requirements, apply at the contact form :), if you don't, just ignore this message.
And that's all. Please, remember to thank all the people working here. Just saying thaks is fair enough for all the effort they have put in every update you have today :)
Gonna prepare some limonade now. My throat. Awww.
+Aoharaido 16
+Bokura wa Itsumo 51 & 52
+Chocolate Girl 11
+L-DK 30 [vr.2], 32 & 33
+Hapi Mari 38
+Runway no Koibito 05 [Stage 2] (summary)