Chapter starts with Nina studying when Keisuke bursts in asking her for Miyake`s adress. He says he wants to send him a New Year`s card and suggests that she does the same. Nina smiles sadly at the thought. Then Nina notices the open window left by Keisuke and as she goes to close it, Kyo barked from outside, scolding Keisuke for disturbing Nina studying. They look surprised at each other and he apologizes to her, taking Keisuke along by force. As he leaves, he asks her seriously if her first choice of high school has changed and she says no because she still remembers how she had said previously that she would like to attend Minami high and that he could give her advice. He smiles with content saying good luck and that he`ll cheer for her. Nina is studying again, when her mom informs her she`s going to buy tempura prawn for dinner and later , while eating, she thinks sadly about Miyake`s gift.
On to Miyake, he`s reading through the New Year greeting cards when he saw Nina`s. She had written Happy New Year and that she looks forward to another basketball match, but he thinks to himself gloomily that THAT time won`t come. Miyake`s two friends met and while waiting for Miyake, they talked about him and his recent break up.They concluded that he is still upset, and Kyo really looks cool..(OMG?!?). The two of them got agitated at each other for putting down their friend and at this point of time, Miyake suddenly shows up and ask them to go to the shrine.
Back to Nina, Keisuke wakes her up to go to the shrine as well. They run towards the stairs where Kyo is. Kyo asks Keisuke if he had retrieved what he had forgotten, when he notices Nina behind. He`s shocked, and Nina`s surprised and pissed but they decide to visit the shrine altogether. At the shrine, Miyake is there feeling all depressed as he remembers Nina talking about visiting the shrine and praying for being able to pass the exam. Then he says something like if he`s a man he should wish for hapiness to the person he likes, but his friends answer that it doesn`t matter anymore and he should first wish for his own happiness. He remembers her sad face as he said that they should break up. Then suddenly he got upset and says he was wrong and am a fool to cause the loss of something. (L) . they ask him what is he talking about, when in that moment he catches a glimpse of Nina there in the crowd and wanted to call her name when he sees Kyo grabbing Nina`s hand. They stood there watching her smile happy. Kyo was then telling her to be careful as she could easily get lost in that crowd. Then Keisuke tells her not to get lost while they are buying takoyaki, when he suddenly notices Miyake in the crowd. Nina is totally stunned, looking at the direction like she`s watching a horror movie, but there is no Miyake. Actually, his friends are dragging him away to see a picture before visiting the shrine, as an excuse so that he wouldn`t see Nina and Kyo. But he`s already upset because he had noticed them. He`s totally drowned in thoughts about his conversation with Kyo and her facial expression just a moment ago. Back to Nina, Keisuke is continuously asking about Miyake and then she says they should go ahead and she`ll pray later because there is something she has to look for (please be Miyake) Blushing, she runs away, but Kyo stops her by grabbing her hand (nooo :( ).