“This is the first summer vacation since high school started..."
Nina asks him if he will be busy with his club activity, and then his classmates came into the classroom asking him why is he grinning like that and teasing him it must be his girlfriend, so Miyake tells her he`ll send her a mail. However, Nina asks him if he remembers what she said, she wanted to give him something, and he says she`ll give him when they meet next time and hangs up what makes her look a little bit confused.
Miyake is meeting with his friends from middle school, and they are very happy cause it's been a while. Miyake tells them that they are mailing each other but they say it`s not the same as to meet each other. and they fired up at him a million questions about Nina, such as, are they finally doing fine and are they talked out everything about Tachibana. He says everythings fine and that they did talk about it very naturally and she smiled at him. As he blushes from ebarrassement he says she was very cute. He apologizes to them for torturing them with his love stories, but they say that they actually want to ask him something and as they apologize beforehand they ask him if he already slept with Nina. Miyake brushed them off saying there was no chances for that until now and they tease him that it`s about time to make appropriate situations, especially since summer vacation is starting.
Kyo is finishing his practice and in dressing room he finds lots of cards in his bag. Other team mate comments how he got many encouraging cards for their next match. Kyo thinks how there was none before the practice so they must have been opening his bag by themselves and wonders if he should think of some counter measures for that. Then suddenly a cute 1st year calls out to him, named Matsumoto Maiko, confessing to him. She continues that if he wonders what was she attracted at , it was his face and body. Kyo is stunned and wondering that it was face and body, then interrupts her apologizing that he`s in the middle of the practice and as he starts running away she yells to him asking if he doesn`t remember her, cause she was with Uemura at that time when he was giving them lessons last year. He stops and looks back so she continues that she was really stupid until entering middle school but when she saw him practicing and giving his best on the ground he looked so cool that she decided she will also give her best to enter Minami high. She continues she didnt`t come to ask him on a date, but to thank him for inspiring her to give her best, because as she was watching him all this time she knows that he already has a person that he likes. As he looks at her an image of Nina crosses his mind and says he does. Then he smiles and thanks her for her words. she thanks him for listening to her and waves him goodbye. Yuiko comes saying he should have decided to date her afterall, cause there was another one like this recently and also she hears that he has stalkers. She asks him if that distractes him from his practice and he says it doesn`t and that is not good to lie anymore.
Then she asks him what does he think, for example, if they win this game, and go to Koshien, will Nina`s feeling change for him. He replies in instant that that is unlikely.
Behind them, girls surrounding Maiko yells that Kyo must be a gay for ditching such cute girl as Maiko. She tries to convince them otherwise, but they are already gossiping how one girl saw him and Kumegawa (Yuiko's ex) on last year`s cultural festival staring at each other (haha LOL).
Behind them Kyo and Yuiko are standing and listening all that, so Yuiko asks him if maybe he wants to date her after all and he replies that he really should perhaps think about that.
Next to Kumegawa, he`s reading news how their club is among 8 best clubs and thinking if now some girl will fall in love with him.
Nina is happilly saying to Miyake that Minami high won quarterfinals, and praises Kyo for his cool play, but Miyake puts a fake smile to that. He comments how she doesn`t need to be so ecstatic and when she asks him what did he saiy he says nothing really. Then he changes the topic saying it was a while since he was in her room and asks if her mom is at home. Nina says she thought she will be but she had to go out. She says she has something to give him and he suddenly blushes as he recalls conversation he had earlier with his friends and stats blabbing how they said something unnecessary and how there will be lots of chances during this summer vacation which makes Nina really confused what is he talking about and interrupts him saying to sit down cause she wants to give him that Christmas present. He is stunned since its not his birthday but she says its Christmas present cause she didn`t give him last year. It`s an arm band. She said she wanted to give him earlier but since lots af things happend on that day and she didn`t want to remember that it turned out like this. He was so emotional about this that she asks him if he doesn`t need it, but he just pulls her in for a kiss. He says he loves her and pulls her for another one. She asks him to wait, cause she`s not prepared yet but he answers with desperate face he is waiting from last years Christmas and that he waited long enough. As he continues she looks like she accepted him as well but then Keisuke bursts in the room interrupting them. He happily yells they should play basket ball and Nina says she also wants to play mimicking to Miyake she`s sorry. She thinks to herself she thinks she really became an idiot and that she loves him so much and wants to see him every day. At school she is still thinking about it. Since it is a last day of shool, girls ask her if she has plans and she says she has something to do. she thinks that even though Miyake probably has clubs she still wants to go since its last day. As she gets close to Konan high she thinks to herself how there are really cute girl in that school. Then she hears someone calling Miyake by his name, Shun. It is a girl from his class. they are planing where to go since there was no clubs anymore but Miyake saw Nina`s mail and said he already has plans. Then that annoying girl calls him by his name again saying he`s going too far thinking only about his girlfriend but then they are all shocked to see Nina standing there listening them.
As they walk home together Nina is giving Miyake kind of cold shoulder so he asks her if something happend. She shrugs it off, that nothing happend, but still didn`t convince him. She comments how Miyake is called Shun by them what makes him really embarrassed. She thinks to herself how now Miyake is troubled but she can`t help feeling frustrated and besides they have such a long history. Then he suddenly calls her by her name, Nina and she blushes even harder. He tells her to call him by his name, too. And so she calls him Shun. Miyake`s friends are commenting how Miyake is in love and how Nina is cute, but the bad girl says she's is nothing special.
"This is a first summer since we entered highschool.. it looks like lots of things will happen during summer."