By Bikkuri!
Whoop! Sorry I didn’t show up last month (especially sorry to those of you who like to see the Japanese raws this way), but let’s not dwell on the past. We leave that to Futaba and Kou, those SILLY KIDS.
So. I’m going to assume everyone reading this has already read the translation and knows everything that happens, so I’ll just ramble freely without any semblance of structure. It’s also probably not going to be very nice, because I’m definitely in the this-chapter-sucked camp. A new sort of feeling, when it comes to AHR. Hopefully it won’t become the norm. Next chapter better be AWESOME >:(
Kominato saves this chapter. Seriously. Seriously. Kominato... please marry me. I’m sorry I didn’t notice these feelings for you sooner. I’ve been distracted by Kou and Touma most of the time until now, but that’s really not my fault, okay? I mean, they show up more often. In close ups! I kept getting their eyes like, right up in my face, and then they staaaared at me, you know? It never occurred to me to resist. But now... I guess what I’m trying to say is... like... I was blind, but now I see. You’re the only one for me.
I bet you can’t resist such a heartfelt proposal, right! Aya-chi~~n!<333 WE’LL MARRY IN THE SPRING. (My apologies to anyone else whose proposals I have previously accepted, but I’m sure you understand. We’re talking true love here.)
Hm. So. Getting straight to the point, I’m not really pissed at Kou for wanting to be there for Narumi in her time of need. It’s very consistent with his character, and I can’t hate someone for empathizing with someone in a similar situation to himself. Actually, an even worse situation. (He might want to be nicer to Futaba, though, but I guess I’ll get back to that later. I mean, I don’t hate Kou, but I hate the WAY he does things?)
I am, however, pissed at Sakisaka Io. I’m sorry, sensei (I usually love you for your thoughtful treatment of shoujo-clichés) /sob. But I really dislike this turn of events. I REALLY DISLIKE IT. I just subjectively really, really HATE this kind of plot line. It has zero entertainment value for me. I mean, why on earth make Narumi SUCH a tortured soul? She’s a side character. She only showed up a couple of chapters ago. JUST GAH. WHYYY A CHARACTER LIKE THIS. Her life is really freaking sad. I don’t want a character with such sad circumstances to be used as a plot device to keep the OTP from getting together (especially not when it’s SO OBVIOUS that they will, in the end). That’s just so... mean. Why would you break her heart in addition to everything else? I can see why you’d want to break Futaba’s heart a little, as she’s the heroine, and making the heroine go through some sucky times isn’t unheard of, but must you do it LIKE THIS?!?!
Oh, Sakisaka-sensei, why
would you
Anyway, I just hate it when third parties start interfering. LOL I know, why the heck am I reading shoujo. Really. Why am I doing this to myself? It’s just, for a long time AHR seemed to steer clear of that, and focus more on their personal issues (which makes for much more interesting conflicts, in my opinion). I mean, there was the thing with Yuuri also liking Kou, but that felt like it was more about Futaba and Yuuri’s friendship than anything else. And then Touma showed up, but for a while I really thought he might just be there to give Kou one last push (the power of jealousy!). But of course that was delusional of me. Naive. I should have known better. I mean, is there ANY shoujo without a love triangle/square? That isn’t a one-shot? That’s actually a really good question. Let me think... Dengeki Daisy...? Ah, Fruits Basket? Uhhh, Natsume Yuujinchou, but that’s not romance...
But I digress. Forgive me. Where was I. Was I anywhere? No. Let’s go off on another tangent. You know how shoujo heroines tend to be really obsessive when it comes to their love lives? That’s annoying me lately. In the beginning, Futaba cared more about friendship, and her own personal growth, but lately she’s 100% about Kou (while Kou has never been 100% about Futaba). It pisses off the feminist in me. I wish she had a hobby (worrying about Kou does not count). I wish she had a dream (dating Kou does not count). I wish her role as a class rep had awakened some ambition in her, or something. I wish all the stuff with Kou’s difficult family situation had led us to learn something about HER family situation. I want to know who FUTABA is. What does she do after school? Does she just lie around and wait for her next chance to see Kou? Does she and Yuuri and Murao ever talk about anything besides boys? Does she plan to go to university? What line of work does she want to get into, or does she have no idea? If she has no idea, why isn’t she worrying about THAT? That’s what I was worrying about all through high school, and even now, two years into uni. Why must all shoujo heroines be so. damn. one. track. minded?
...LOL OOPS that was whiny. Sorry. I’m not here to knock the shoujo genre. I realize that love stories need to focus on the love part of the story, so... yeah. Haha. End of grumpy part of ramble? Okay.
Let’s abuse Kou instead. (Uhm, enthusiastically! So as not to sound grumpy.)
I keep saying this, but Kou really needs to sort out his priorities. (...Hooray!) Just seriously, what is he thinking? Is he going to date Narumi, yay?! Seriously? He isn’t, right? I mean (hurraaah!!), does it make sense to date someone half-heartedly out of pity, LOL?! Let me answer that for you! (Yaaay!) The answer? Is no! (Applause!) IT MAKES NO SENSE and it would suck. IF that happens, I’m going to root for Touma until THE END OF TIME. BANZAIII. (Or I might just ship Futaba x a-dream-independent-of-boys. Aim to be emperor!!)
Speaking of GG-kun, I did find him annoying last chapter. As I said, I hate interfering third parties, and last chapter, he was interfering (or trying to interfere). Not very goody-goody! Bad GG-kun! But as long as Kou is acting out his hero complex and being a noble idiot and whatnot, I won’t mind Touma attempting to take advantage of that. I don’t imagine it will have any effect, because as mentioned, Futaba is all about Kou. I really don’t think Touma stands a chance whatsoever. But as things are now, I do think he has every right to try. I have a sliiight suspicion he might confess next chapter? Maybe. And Touma confessing is bound to be adorable. (Also, he does have maybe a 5% chance? He’s her type, after all XD)
Ahh... what else. About the kiss(es)? I noticed that that’s been the focus a lot with the rest of you XD In my opinion, Kou handled that whole thing a million times better than Futaba. She messed that up on her own. I don’t understand why on earth she’s so obsessed over whether Kou is the kind to kiss people because of the mood, or if he’s the kind to protect his purity with his life until he meets his soulmate or whatever. I can’t remember ever making such a big deal out of kissing, so it’s kind of an alien way of thinking for me. That also makes it annoying. Haha. I guess I just don’t understand the pure heart of a young girl in love... /oldman.
Anyway, like... the beginning of the chapter. Was just. Really cute. Him resting his forehead on the top of her head like that? Omg~<3 And then Futaba ruins it GODDANGIT. Instead of taking the roundabout way of figuring out if he’s serious or just going with the flow, couldn’t you just have asked him if he likes you? Like, “I like you, do you like me?” PROBLEM SOLVED. But okay, because she has those stupid insecurities regarding Narumi, I guess I’m glad she asked him straight out if it was true. Not that it should actually matter. But yeah. And then he admits to it, which is fine (I don’t know if he’s being honest though, he goes all blank and seems a bit angry. Disappointed in Futaba’s lack of faith in him, maybe? Or is he just thinking really hard, realizing Narumi lied, realizing why she’d tell such a lie, and then deciding to play along with it? Uhh, I dunno. Don’t feel like analyzing this too deeply) but he also says he didn’t like her (Narumi). GET IT, FUTABA?! He said he didn’t like NARUMI, he never said he doesn’t like YOU. FUTABA. YOU IDIOT. YOU SILLY TEENAGE SILLY CHILDISH SILLY GIRL.
And then she runs out of the classroom like a drama queen, and when Kou doesn’t follow her, she’s like “So that’s his answer”. Oh my god. Oh my god. I want to high five your stupid face. … … … NO I’M SORRY VIOLENCE IS BAD.
(Ah, by the way, whether Kou kissed Narumi or Narumi kissed Kou is not really clear. It’s more just like “there was a kiss”. Which there might not have been.)
Ahh, just in general I’m not really happy with Futaba this chapter. I’m not happy with Kou either, but I’m kind of used to being unhappy with Kou. Futaba, however, does not usually annoy me like this. I mean, I love her :( Just not right now. She clearly doesn’t trust Kou even a little, which I find strange at this point. I guess it might just stem from the fact that she’s ridiculously insecure. She seems to have no sympathy for Narumi at the moment, and although I guess she’ blinded by jealousy, she’s being self-centered and over-dramatic. The biggest tragedy in HER life is just that she’s so hot that girls end up hating her out of envy, and the guy she likes is not completely invested in her and only her. Compared to Narumi, that’s really... not a big deal. I’d like to see her at least realize these things. I guess all this might be happening for the sake of her character growth, though. I suppose so. I guess I hope so. (I don’t mean to say that there’s anything wrong with having a privileged life of little tragedy, but I do think it’s worth being conscious of how lucky one actually is when that is the case. It’s not like she deserves being treated by crap because her parents aren’t dead and she’s made friends lately, but SHE HERSELF should realize that she’s pretty blessed. Anyway, they all need to calm down. Too much happening in one night, omg.)
I AM really annoyed at Kou as well, ‘cause I’m not a fan of the noble idiot type. You know, the kind who gets all “I shall sacrifice my own happiness, and sometimes even the happiness of the person I love, for the sake of some other person/great cause! Please, watch me as I self-destruct!!” It’s natural for his character, but it’s ANNOYING AS FRACK.
And I don’t know what the point of that hug at the end was. I actually just thought the whole thing at the end got so dramatic it was stupid. I even rolled my eyes. I never roll my eyes at AHR! What’s going on!! I’m being really critical! Someone help!! I’m going to regret this when Sakisaka turns this all around, which she’s likely to do. She’s probably just trolling us (like when we were all like oh-my-god-did-kou-and-yuuri-kiss-on-the-floor-amongst-the-potatoes-?!?!?). But since I don’t know what she’s going to do with this in the future, I’ll just sulk for now.
Another thing. Is it just me, or is Kou only ever a proper jerkface to Futaba? He’s supposed to like her, yet he deliberately stabs her in the heart? Whyyyy?! my thoughts are coming out even more rambly and messy than ever today. This chapter is messing with my literary talents... (cough)
By the way. Page 30. Haha. When I looked through the Chinese scans before I got the J raws, I had a good laugh with myself because I kind of thought it looked like Kominato was confessing, and Kou was turning him down. I’m sorry. But... I’m not... opposed to this pairing... aaah. Hah. Haha. No. Okay. Ignore me. *strangling slash shipping urge* I’ve been reading too much BL lately. omg has anyone read anything by Hayakawa Nojiko? She’s such an ARTIST and also my soulmate. Er, next to Kominato. She’s my soulmate no. 2. I swear Kurayami ni Strobe is the most adorable one-shot I’ve read since---NOO SOMEONE STOP ME. I’m treating this like my personal blog or something. I’m so unprofessional (Minchi, fire me already!).
I feel like I say this a lot, but I apologize deeply for rambling for so long (omg, this one is SO LONG. It’s like over four A4 pages WTF D: ) and making no sense (I really don’t pretend to be insightful here, I’m just... rambling) and just in general for being a hopeless person. I recently forgot one of my best friends’ birthday. For four days. Four days. I’m a terrible, unorganized, hopeless person. I apologize to my parents and all the world. I honestly feel utterly amazed whenever anyone tells me they like reading these. But thank you so much /sob
It’s made me kind of happy to see how almost everyone’s been ready to strangle Kou to pieces, though. Like (almost) everyone’s all OH GOD FUTABA MY BBY DON’T LOOK SO SAD like she’s your best friend and Kou is the guy who just broke your best friend’s heart. XD That’s so cute. You guys are so cute YOU’RE ALL INVITED TO MY WEDDING WITH KOMINATO IN THE SPRING.
Now, to close off this beastly wall of text... Seeing as my fanfiction last time was just SUCH A SUCCESS (?), I've decided to write another one! Okay! And now you're like, " no, Bikku, don’t -- one was enough. Okay, B? One was enough! Don't... don't do i--"
It was a sunny day in April. The sun was shining (because it was sunny), and it didn’t rain (because it was sunny).The birds were singing and the wind was dancing. Kominato Aya and Bikkuri Bikkuri stood side by side in front of the minister who was to unite them in holy matri...
I hope Yuuri throws a cupcake at Kou next chapter.
That is all.
Whoop! Sorry I didn’t show up last month (especially sorry to those of you who like to see the Japanese raws this way), but let’s not dwell on the past. We leave that to Futaba and Kou, those SILLY KIDS.
So. I’m going to assume everyone reading this has already read the translation and knows everything that happens, so I’ll just ramble freely without any semblance of structure. It’s also probably not going to be very nice, because I’m definitely in the this-chapter-sucked camp. A new sort of feeling, when it comes to AHR. Hopefully it won’t become the norm. Next chapter better be AWESOME >:(
Kominato saves this chapter. Seriously. Seriously. Kominato... please marry me. I’m sorry I didn’t notice these feelings for you sooner. I’ve been distracted by Kou and Touma most of the time until now, but that’s really not my fault, okay? I mean, they show up more often. In close ups! I kept getting their eyes like, right up in my face, and then they staaaared at me, you know? It never occurred to me to resist. But now... I guess what I’m trying to say is... like... I was blind, but now I see. You’re the only one for me.
I bet you can’t resist such a heartfelt proposal, right! Aya-chi~~n!<333 WE’LL MARRY IN THE SPRING. (My apologies to anyone else whose proposals I have previously accepted, but I’m sure you understand. We’re talking true love here.)
Hm. So. Getting straight to the point, I’m not really pissed at Kou for wanting to be there for Narumi in her time of need. It’s very consistent with his character, and I can’t hate someone for empathizing with someone in a similar situation to himself. Actually, an even worse situation. (He might want to be nicer to Futaba, though, but I guess I’ll get back to that later. I mean, I don’t hate Kou, but I hate the WAY he does things?)
I am, however, pissed at Sakisaka Io. I’m sorry, sensei (I usually love you for your thoughtful treatment of shoujo-clichés) /sob. But I really dislike this turn of events. I REALLY DISLIKE IT. I just subjectively really, really HATE this kind of plot line. It has zero entertainment value for me. I mean, why on earth make Narumi SUCH a tortured soul? She’s a side character. She only showed up a couple of chapters ago. JUST GAH. WHYYY A CHARACTER LIKE THIS. Her life is really freaking sad. I don’t want a character with such sad circumstances to be used as a plot device to keep the OTP from getting together (especially not when it’s SO OBVIOUS that they will, in the end). That’s just so... mean. Why would you break her heart in addition to everything else? I can see why you’d want to break Futaba’s heart a little, as she’s the heroine, and making the heroine go through some sucky times isn’t unheard of, but must you do it LIKE THIS?!?!
Oh, Sakisaka-sensei, why
would you
Anyway, I just hate it when third parties start interfering. LOL I know, why the heck am I reading shoujo. Really. Why am I doing this to myself? It’s just, for a long time AHR seemed to steer clear of that, and focus more on their personal issues (which makes for much more interesting conflicts, in my opinion). I mean, there was the thing with Yuuri also liking Kou, but that felt like it was more about Futaba and Yuuri’s friendship than anything else. And then Touma showed up, but for a while I really thought he might just be there to give Kou one last push (the power of jealousy!). But of course that was delusional of me. Naive. I should have known better. I mean, is there ANY shoujo without a love triangle/square? That isn’t a one-shot? That’s actually a really good question. Let me think... Dengeki Daisy...? Ah, Fruits Basket? Uhhh, Natsume Yuujinchou, but that’s not romance...
But I digress. Forgive me. Where was I. Was I anywhere? No. Let’s go off on another tangent. You know how shoujo heroines tend to be really obsessive when it comes to their love lives? That’s annoying me lately. In the beginning, Futaba cared more about friendship, and her own personal growth, but lately she’s 100% about Kou (while Kou has never been 100% about Futaba). It pisses off the feminist in me. I wish she had a hobby (worrying about Kou does not count). I wish she had a dream (dating Kou does not count). I wish her role as a class rep had awakened some ambition in her, or something. I wish all the stuff with Kou’s difficult family situation had led us to learn something about HER family situation. I want to know who FUTABA is. What does she do after school? Does she just lie around and wait for her next chance to see Kou? Does she and Yuuri and Murao ever talk about anything besides boys? Does she plan to go to university? What line of work does she want to get into, or does she have no idea? If she has no idea, why isn’t she worrying about THAT? That’s what I was worrying about all through high school, and even now, two years into uni. Why must all shoujo heroines be so. damn. one. track. minded?
...LOL OOPS that was whiny. Sorry. I’m not here to knock the shoujo genre. I realize that love stories need to focus on the love part of the story, so... yeah. Haha. End of grumpy part of ramble? Okay.
Let’s abuse Kou instead. (Uhm, enthusiastically! So as not to sound grumpy.)
I keep saying this, but Kou really needs to sort out his priorities. (...Hooray!) Just seriously, what is he thinking? Is he going to date Narumi, yay?! Seriously? He isn’t, right? I mean (hurraaah!!), does it make sense to date someone half-heartedly out of pity, LOL?! Let me answer that for you! (Yaaay!) The answer? Is no! (Applause!) IT MAKES NO SENSE and it would suck. IF that happens, I’m going to root for Touma until THE END OF TIME. BANZAIII. (Or I might just ship Futaba x a-dream-independent-of-boys. Aim to be emperor!!)
Speaking of GG-kun, I did find him annoying last chapter. As I said, I hate interfering third parties, and last chapter, he was interfering (or trying to interfere). Not very goody-goody! Bad GG-kun! But as long as Kou is acting out his hero complex and being a noble idiot and whatnot, I won’t mind Touma attempting to take advantage of that. I don’t imagine it will have any effect, because as mentioned, Futaba is all about Kou. I really don’t think Touma stands a chance whatsoever. But as things are now, I do think he has every right to try. I have a sliiight suspicion he might confess next chapter? Maybe. And Touma confessing is bound to be adorable. (Also, he does have maybe a 5% chance? He’s her type, after all XD)
Ahh... what else. About the kiss(es)? I noticed that that’s been the focus a lot with the rest of you XD In my opinion, Kou handled that whole thing a million times better than Futaba. She messed that up on her own. I don’t understand why on earth she’s so obsessed over whether Kou is the kind to kiss people because of the mood, or if he’s the kind to protect his purity with his life until he meets his soulmate or whatever. I can’t remember ever making such a big deal out of kissing, so it’s kind of an alien way of thinking for me. That also makes it annoying. Haha. I guess I just don’t understand the pure heart of a young girl in love... /oldman.
Anyway, like... the beginning of the chapter. Was just. Really cute. Him resting his forehead on the top of her head like that? Omg~<3 And then Futaba ruins it GODDANGIT. Instead of taking the roundabout way of figuring out if he’s serious or just going with the flow, couldn’t you just have asked him if he likes you? Like, “I like you, do you like me?” PROBLEM SOLVED. But okay, because she has those stupid insecurities regarding Narumi, I guess I’m glad she asked him straight out if it was true. Not that it should actually matter. But yeah. And then he admits to it, which is fine (I don’t know if he’s being honest though, he goes all blank and seems a bit angry. Disappointed in Futaba’s lack of faith in him, maybe? Or is he just thinking really hard, realizing Narumi lied, realizing why she’d tell such a lie, and then deciding to play along with it? Uhh, I dunno. Don’t feel like analyzing this too deeply) but he also says he didn’t like her (Narumi). GET IT, FUTABA?! He said he didn’t like NARUMI, he never said he doesn’t like YOU. FUTABA. YOU IDIOT. YOU SILLY TEENAGE SILLY CHILDISH SILLY GIRL.
And then she runs out of the classroom like a drama queen, and when Kou doesn’t follow her, she’s like “So that’s his answer”. Oh my god. Oh my god. I want to high five your stupid face. … … … NO I’M SORRY VIOLENCE IS BAD.
(Ah, by the way, whether Kou kissed Narumi or Narumi kissed Kou is not really clear. It’s more just like “there was a kiss”. Which there might not have been.)
Ahh, just in general I’m not really happy with Futaba this chapter. I’m not happy with Kou either, but I’m kind of used to being unhappy with Kou. Futaba, however, does not usually annoy me like this. I mean, I love her :( Just not right now. She clearly doesn’t trust Kou even a little, which I find strange at this point. I guess it might just stem from the fact that she’s ridiculously insecure. She seems to have no sympathy for Narumi at the moment, and although I guess she’ blinded by jealousy, she’s being self-centered and over-dramatic. The biggest tragedy in HER life is just that she’s so hot that girls end up hating her out of envy, and the guy she likes is not completely invested in her and only her. Compared to Narumi, that’s really... not a big deal. I’d like to see her at least realize these things. I guess all this might be happening for the sake of her character growth, though. I suppose so. I guess I hope so. (I don’t mean to say that there’s anything wrong with having a privileged life of little tragedy, but I do think it’s worth being conscious of how lucky one actually is when that is the case. It’s not like she deserves being treated by crap because her parents aren’t dead and she’s made friends lately, but SHE HERSELF should realize that she’s pretty blessed. Anyway, they all need to calm down. Too much happening in one night, omg.)
I AM really annoyed at Kou as well, ‘cause I’m not a fan of the noble idiot type. You know, the kind who gets all “I shall sacrifice my own happiness, and sometimes even the happiness of the person I love, for the sake of some other person/great cause! Please, watch me as I self-destruct!!” It’s natural for his character, but it’s ANNOYING AS FRACK.
And I don’t know what the point of that hug at the end was. I actually just thought the whole thing at the end got so dramatic it was stupid. I even rolled my eyes. I never roll my eyes at AHR! What’s going on!! I’m being really critical! Someone help!! I’m going to regret this when Sakisaka turns this all around, which she’s likely to do. She’s probably just trolling us (like when we were all like oh-my-god-did-kou-and-yuuri-kiss-on-the-floor-amongst-the-potatoes-?!?!?). But since I don’t know what she’s going to do with this in the future, I’ll just sulk for now.
Another thing. Is it just me, or is Kou only ever a proper jerkface to Futaba? He’s supposed to like her, yet he deliberately stabs her in the heart? Whyyyy?! my thoughts are coming out even more rambly and messy than ever today. This chapter is messing with my literary talents... (cough)
By the way. Page 30. Haha. When I looked through the Chinese scans before I got the J raws, I had a good laugh with myself because I kind of thought it looked like Kominato was confessing, and Kou was turning him down. I’m sorry. But... I’m not... opposed to this pairing... aaah. Hah. Haha. No. Okay. Ignore me. *strangling slash shipping urge* I’ve been reading too much BL lately. omg has anyone read anything by Hayakawa Nojiko? She’s such an ARTIST and also my soulmate. Er, next to Kominato. She’s my soulmate no. 2. I swear Kurayami ni Strobe is the most adorable one-shot I’ve read since---NOO SOMEONE STOP ME. I’m treating this like my personal blog or something. I’m so unprofessional (Minchi, fire me already!).
I feel like I say this a lot, but I apologize deeply for rambling for so long (omg, this one is SO LONG. It’s like over four A4 pages WTF D: ) and making no sense (I really don’t pretend to be insightful here, I’m just... rambling) and just in general for being a hopeless person. I recently forgot one of my best friends’ birthday. For four days. Four days. I’m a terrible, unorganized, hopeless person. I apologize to my parents and all the world. I honestly feel utterly amazed whenever anyone tells me they like reading these. But thank you so much /sob
It’s made me kind of happy to see how almost everyone’s been ready to strangle Kou to pieces, though. Like (almost) everyone’s all OH GOD FUTABA MY BBY DON’T LOOK SO SAD like she’s your best friend and Kou is the guy who just broke your best friend’s heart. XD That’s so cute. You guys are so cute YOU’RE ALL INVITED TO MY WEDDING WITH KOMINATO IN THE SPRING.
Now, to close off this beastly wall of text... Seeing as my fanfiction last time was just SUCH A SUCCESS (?), I've decided to write another one! Okay! And now you're like, " no, Bikku, don’t -- one was enough. Okay, B? One was enough! Don't... don't do i--"
It was a sunny day in April. The sun was shining (because it was sunny), and it didn’t rain (because it was sunny).The birds were singing and the wind was dancing. Kominato Aya and Bikkuri Bikkuri stood side by side in front of the minister who was to unite them in holy matri...
I hope Yuuri throws a cupcake at Kou next chapter.
That is all.